Wednesday, April 15, 2009

POST # 3-Class Class Class -- Blah

I hate when people classify you as a class or in a class. Now a days you are either poor or rich there is no middle working or any other class. Growing up I considered me and my family as middle class. I thought i was middle class becuase I had a home a dog could afford to eat out and go on vactions. To me as messed up as it is to say I used to believe anyone who didnt have a car or couldnty afford vacations was poor. Now everything I used to be lieve about social classes has gone out the window nothing is the same as it used to be. Not only becuase of this recession but because how bad the economy is. Now middle class is poor and the rich is just the rich. How RIDICOLUS. I hate what the world has become I wish everyone could be the same and live happily ever after BARF !

As far as values go for the "middle class" or "working class" which I believe is now the poor class I believe they have more values then any rich or high class person could ever have!! The middle class knows what it is to get their hands dirty and work for an honest wage while most rich people have everything handed to them. Excpet for those few who have actuallyty worked to get where they are.

In the end any CLASS or STATUS is just bull. A person is what they choose to be and I chose to be ME.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! What do you think are some factors that have made the rich richer, and the poor poorer, with fewer of us in the middle? `

    It's also interesting that you talk about what the categories mean to you, and how they've affect you, but then in your last paragraph you say a person is what they choose to be, the categories don't matter. How do you put those things together?
