Sunday, March 29, 2009


I have no idea if I'm doing this correctly or not, hopefully I am. Well in regrades to the first question about status no one has the same status as another person. Everyone is viewed as higher or lower then another person. Either your rich or poor, Smart or dumb. In my community you are given status by what you are doing in that point in time in your life. Such as in my family if your going to school have a job and are amounting to something that gives you a higher status then someone in my family who has no job and does nothing through out their day. In my ethnic community i believe a achieve a certain status by the way you act towards other and basically just how people judge you. Examples -- the way you speak, the clothes you wear, and even the way you walk.

Because of the way my community judges one another I believe they have poor judging values and should judge themselves before they begin to judge others. Just because someone doesn't live the same life you did or because a person goes about life a different way that you do not approve of doesn't mean they have a right to judge.

The way I go about life is without a care in the world. I don't aspire to receive any status in life or in my community or within my family. I do everything for myself. If it happens that I have a certain status or go lower or higher does not faze me. In my opinion I wish everyone was viewed equally, but that will never happen. Because the world we live in one only feels better about themselves if we judge others.

1 comment:

  1. I think you are correct in many ways. To live your life the way you want will save you
    from many ulcers.
